Waterfowl Hunts<br><hr>

Waterfowl Hunts

Waterfowl Hunts

Our Hunts:


We do all our waterfowl hunting in Northwest New Mexico part of Navajo Nation along the San Juan River. We are very proud of the wetlands and habitat that we have here for the waterfowl hunting opportunities along the Great San Juan River which provide water to all the Farmlands in the area. There are huge farm projects with corn, hay, beans, wheat, and many other vegetables and plants for feed creating an excellent habitat for all game in the area. 

We provide several types of waterfowl hunting: Field hunting, River hunting and jumping techniques. For hunters who focus on Geese, we start the morning by setting up dozens of large fully flocked Avian X Canadian geese decoys on a pre-scouted field using lay-down hunting blinds on private leased hunting properties. As soon as the morning flight is complete, we move on to stocking and jumping ducks along the Great San Juan River and on our leased grazing and private properties. For hunters who focus on Ducks, we start the morning by setting up duck decoys on the San Juan River for the morning flights. As soon as the morning flight is done we start our stock and jumping ducks from our many naturally built blinds off the edges of the shallow & narrow channels and the main river. We will then finish the days by setting up geese decoys in the same area for the geese’s flight back from their feeding. We have many naturally built blinds off the edges of the river on shallow slow-moving channels and on the main river edges. We have retrieving dogs that assist you as needed. Your dogs are welcome to have fun. We will provide raw video footage and photos throughout your hunt. We scout our fields ahead of time for optimal hunting opportunities. Game care is not included, however, it can be arranged. For corporate clients & out-of-town hunters with last-minute plans to hunt, we can arrange to pick you up at your hotel and we have guns to rent.

Geese Hunt


December Geese Hunt in lay down blinds

River Duck Hunt

The San Juan River Duct Hunt is another fun fast hunting opportunity.

2025 Photos & Text Copyright - © Navajo Outdoors
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